146 ETH Addresses

1 min readOct 1, 2020

We collected 146 applications in one week through email, social media, etc., but the vast majority of them had only the Ethereum address and no other information. We would love to communicate with every submitter, but the testing of the 1.0 product takes up most of the time, so we cannot connect with every submitter. We can only choose those applicants who submitted more information. Please forgive us for doing this. If we have a large team, we would indeed have done a better job.

Lancelot and I communicated with applicants and got a lot of advice, including Layer 2 product developer Maco, exchange operator Luke, fund partner Feng, and a dozen or so anonymous friends. They didn’t want to reveal more private information. In this process, we have gained a lot of suggestions.

We’re lucky enough to have the full-time support of a DEFI loan product developer, and at his request, we’ll be posting his bio at some point in the future. (Also, we have enabled the payaso logo contributed by “LULU,” which better reflects the characteristics of our products for “miners” protection. I wonder if you will like it.)

Thank you to those of you who submitted application forms to PAYASO and for your interest in payaso.io.

